Easterly Artists return again this year to the hugely successful and popular 24-hour First Light Festival 2023.
Kensington Gardens, Lowestoft NR33 0DG
Saturday 17 June, Midday – 9.30pm
Sunday 18 June, 10am – 4pm
Loosely focused on the theme of New Beginnings and with new work in a wide range of mediums – from painting to pastels, collage to chromatography, drawing to dorodango – there’s something to suit every artistic taste and palette.

Look for the EA banners beside the boating pond in Kensington Gardens. This year the group will be adding to the programme with a series of interactive sessions and demonstrations, including pottery, prints, and landscape painting – so make a note now to visit the marquee and check out times to reserve your slot! Everyone’s invited to join in, and entry is free!

For full details of the festival line-up, visit the First Light Festival website.